All Black women, including working-class or poverty-stricken Black women, are valuable and credible in creating knowledge in the same ways that traditional scholarly sources are considered legitimate knowledge. Therefore, one of the many responsibilities of Black women is to construct and reconstruct "oppositional knowledges" (Hill Collins, 2009, p.13) in defining the meaning of Black womanhood (Rowe, 2023, p.10).

Rowe, K. (2023). Black Hair and Hair Texture: Cultivating Diversity and Inclusion for Black Women in Higher Education. In Jean-Marie, G. & Tran, H. (Eds.), Leadership in turbulent times: Cultivating diversity and inclusion in the Higher Education Workplace, (pp. TBD) Emerald.
Rowe, K., Mbilishaka, A., Bell, D., Harris, W., Loritts, C. (2023). Transitioning: Examining Black Women’s Hair Stories in Entering Higher Education. In K. A. Francis & A. M. Clarke (Eds.), Women of color and hair bias in the work environment, IGI Global.
Rowe, K. (2023). Crowning Glory: Exploring the narratives of Black women with natural hair and hair texture during the construction of professional identities for medical and law professionals. (Publication No. 30310422) [Doctoral dissertation Morgan State University]. ProQuest.
Rowe, K. (2021). Tangled: Black hair and texurism in ethnodrama. Critical Studies-Critical Methodologies, 22(1), 1-12.
Rowe, K. (2016). New Year, New Event, New Advisor- Wait! What? Campus Activities Programming 49(3), 30-31.
Rowe, K. (pending publication). Transitioning after going natural. In D. Apugo & A. Mbilishaka (Eds.), Laid to the side: Snatchin’ up the unexpressed hairstories of Black girlhood in schools.
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